Musical Stage and Art Crew Page
Thank you for your interest in Crew for the Spring Musical!
READ THROUGH/ FIRST REHEARSAL January 7, 2025 REHEARSALS Generally on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and occasional Saturdays January 7-March 12, 2025 Students are called to rehearse for specific scenes on specific days . TECH WEEK (All tech week rehearsals are required) March 7-March - March 12, 2025 PERFORMANCES Thursday, March 13, 2025 - 7:00pm Friday, March 14, 2025 - 7:00pm Saturday, March 15, 2024- 7:00pm Sunday, March 16, 2024 - 12:00pm 2) COSTS
$100 Musical ALL-IN Fee - billed through FACTS
We are excited about this production! As you consider this process, please keep in mind that every single role in this show is vital. We hope that your attitude is one where you want to contribute to the success of this show in whatever way you can serve it best, whether that role is stage manager or costume crew. Remember, half the fun of doing a musical is creating new friendships and having the opportunity to work together towards a common goal that will create a life-long memory.
We are excited about this production! As you consider this process, please keep in mind that every single role in this show is vital. We hope that your attitude is one where you want to contribute to the success of this show in whatever way you can serve it best, whether that role is stage manager or costume crew. Remember, half the fun of doing a musical is creating new friendships and having the opportunity to work together towards a common goal that will create a life-long memory.
Crew Positions
- STAGE MANAGER - The Stage Manager works in tandem with the Director in rehearsal, recording the blocking and seeing that cast members stay on script, have necessary props, and follow the staging. This person will need to come to every rehearsal to learn the entire show..
- BACKSTAGE CREW and BACK STAGE CREW MANAGER - Responsible for the safety of the backstage area during all performances. Cleans stage at start of call-time and is responsible for all set changes during the course of a performance or rehearsal. Returns set to “pre-show” setting after every performance
- ART CREW and ART CREW MANAGER - Under the direction of Mrs. Gauthier, these students use different painting techniques to paint the scenery for the show to provide the look, texture and feel that the Director desires for the show.
- COSTUME CREW - Assists the Costume Designer(s) and parent volunteers with all aspects of costuming the show. This may involve cleaning and organizing in the costume storage area, and assisting with moving costumes in and out of the storage area for each show.
- SPOT LIGHT OPERATORS - In charge of keeping the spot light on the actors during certain scenes. This person must be responsible, keep a detailed and neat script, and know when to change light colors and move with the actors.
- PROPS CREW - Organizes all props during all performances and rehearsals. Helps address any prop problems that might occur during a performance or dress rehearsal. May assist Backstage Crew with scene shifts is needed.
- CURTAIN - This person oversees the opening and closing of the curtain on the Director's cue. Although this person sits in one spot during the show, he/she has a very important job and must be strong!
- MAKEUP AND HAIR CREW - Assists with all aspects of make-up and hair for the show. Duties may include applying make-up, styling hair, assisting with keeping the make-up area and tools clean and in good working order, assisting with any make-up and wig changes.
- STAGE LIGHTING - A responsible person that is computer savvy to run the light board for the entire show. This person will need to meet with Mrs. Cowley to practice the lighting cues.
- VIDEO PROJECTIONS - Be in charge of cueing up our state-of-the-art video projections during the show. This person must be responsible and organized.
- PUBLICITY CREW - Works with the Director and production team. Designs, makes, copies, distributes, posts all advertisement materials for the show including programs, posters, flyers, shirts, etc.
- SOUND MANAGER - This person will be in charge of starting the music tracks for the show. This person must be organized, and keep a neat binder.
In order to work smoothly, we need to establish clear and consistent guidelines.
The following will be expected from everyone involved in our show:
The following will be expected from everyone involved in our show:
- Every person must have a consistently positive attitude and respect for all. Any student who is disrespectful to another actor, crew member, or adult will have a conference with the Director, Mrs. Cowley. Dismissal from the show follows a second offense.
- You must attend every rehearsal for which you are scheduled. It is the student’s responsibility to check regularly for rehearsal schedule updates. Absence from a rehearsal or performance must be approved by the Director. It is unacceptable to simply NOT show up for a rehearsal. An unexcused absence may result in dismissal from the show
- Attendance is taken at every rehearsal and show. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the Stage Manager has noted their attendance.
- Absolutely NO food, drinks (except water), candy or gum is allowed on or back stage. Snacks are provided at rehearsals and should only be consumed at times and in locations specified by the Director, staff, and parents. ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD ON STAGE!
- You are expected to remain at school for the entire rehearsal/performance. If there is an urgent situation and you must leave, you must speak to the Director prior to leaving.
- Cell phones must be OFF and put away while you are working during rehearsals and shows.
- Each student/parent shall electronically sign the online Stage Crew Application below signifying that they have read and understand this document and are ready to make the required commitment to participate in this activity.
- Homework: There will be ample “down-time” during rehearsals for homework and students are expected to effectively manage their time to ensure their schoolwork does not suffer from their participation in this activity.